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Further Engaging RE Teachers
Accreditation and Induction
Target Audience: Religious Education Teachers
- This offering is designed as part of face to face teaching in the Graduate Certificate unit - REDU 800 that challenge students to relate their knowledge of Religious Education to a particular setting where it is taught.
- It is also designed as professional development for classroom teachers (particular early career teachers) to better understand the issues and challenges that arise from their work in Catholic Schools.
This program gives Religious Education teachers the chance to reflect on their role in Catholic schools and how they respond to the issues, challenges and opportunities that arise from their work in Catholic schools. The aim to assist teachers, particularly early career teachers, to better understand of their contribution to Catholic education. Aims With this program participants will:
This program consists of 1 day of learning activities, discussion and reflection. Facilitators Professor Richard Rymarz Date Thursday 24th March (Dubbo) Friday 25th March (Bathurst) Venue St Brigid's Parish Hall, Dubbo St Joseph's House, Perthville Time 9.30am -3.00pm Click button to register