The Universe Unfolds in God:
The Embrace of the Sacraments and
the Practice of Confirmation
Spirituality and Faith Formation
Target Audience: All Parishoners, Catechists and
All Staff
- This offering is designed as part of face to face teaching in the Graduate Certificate/Masters unit - THEO932: Sacramental Theology
- It is also designed as professional development for classroom teachers, teachers and catechists to better understand the Sacraments, especially Confirmation
- For all Parishioners and teachers, the course will allow you to delve more deeply into the theology of the Sacraments and the understanding of Pope Francis around the interconnections of all things.
Across the day we will work through the key understandings of the sacramental life. Our practice of the seven sacraments is built upon foundations ancient and new. Some of the ancient ones have been lost from sight. Some of the new ones have not yet been seen. First up we will explore both these horizons. In doing this we will uncover a deep relationship between the theology of sacraments and the understanding of Pope Francis around the interconnection of all things. However sacraments are also very particular events. Our reflections will include discussion on the three ‘Sacraments of Initiation’, Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. We will take up a particular emphasis this time on Confirmation. This in-service is a prelude to the unit THEO932: Sacramental Theology which will be offered by BBI-TAITE during Trimester 3 this year. It will cover some of the reading material and assessment tasks Aims With this program participants will:
One day, incorporating information sessions and times for personal and/or group reflection Facilitators Professor Gerard Moore Date (Postponed) - Thursday, 4th August 2022 (Dubbo) (Postponed) - Friday, 5th August 2022, (Bathurst) Venue St Joseph's Perthville (Bathurst) St Brigid's Parish Hall (Chapel - Dubbo) Time 9.30am - 3.00pm Click button to register