Reading and Interpreting the Bible
Induction, RE and Formation
Target Audience: All Staff and Other Parishoners
The Bible is an inspired work that has God's revelation as its subject. It is the work of human authors conditioned by time, place and culture. The authors wrote from their historical frame of reference and hence a reader must take into account such factors as the time of writing, the purpose of the book, the theology of the author and community. The workshops focus on practical methods of interpreting biblical passages and will:
This is a one day professional development opportunity to upskill teachers in their understanding of the Bible and its application and use with students. Facilitators Dr Laurie Woods Date 29th July, 2024 Dubbo 30th July, 2024 Bathurst Venue St Joseph's Perthville Cattlemans Dubbo Time Start Time: 9.30am |