Online Courses
via ZOOM
Spirituality and Faith Formation
Target Audience: Parishoners, Catechists and
All Staff
1. The Mass in 3 Hours
Professor Gerard Moore With Pope Francis encouraging us to know more about the mass, these two sessions lay out the basic structure, the theological underpinnings and some hints about planning and best practice. Dates and Time Term 1: Weeks 3&4
2. Prayer Rev Dr Anthony Gooley Over these two sessions, we will explore the essence of prayer and look at some different ways of praying. We will come to see anew that, because it is all about being our truest self before the One who loves us unconditionally, prayer is a profound source of refreshment and joy. Dates and Time Term 1: Weeks 2&3
The great Christian prayers: Lord's Prayer, Hail Mary, sign of the Cross, Rosary 4.00 pm-5.30 pm |
3. The Beatitudes
J. Thambyrajah The Beatitudes sum up Jesus' teaching about what it means to live as a child of God’s kingdom. They can be found right at the beginning of a long passage of teaching by Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel, known as the Sermon on the Mount. Just as Moses taught the people of Israel from the mountain after he had received the Commandments so Jesus begins his ministry by going up a mountain and teaching his disciples. Dates and Time Term 2: Weeks 6&7
4. Sacrament of Penance Professor Gerard Moore The Sacrament of Penance is a celebration of God’s love and mercy. It celebrates the call to repentance after a process of conversion of heart. Dates and Time Term 3: Weeks 3&4
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